Friday, 30 March 2012

Canberra Institute of Technology - Solutions Plant Propagation Class - March 2012

This fascinating, informative and very useful course took students through propagation techniques including:
·         cuttings
         §    soft wood
         §  hardwood and semi-hardwood
·         layering
·         grafting
·         budding
·         division
·         root cuttings, and
·         seed propagation.

We had the opportunity to grow plants to take home using these methods. CIT's Bruce campus have gardens containing a huge variety of plants enabling us to take cuttings to grow and ultimately to incorporate these new plants into our own gardens.
Along the way we learnt about:
·         hygiene
·         potting mixes
·         hot houses and shade houses
·         plant structure
·         seed collection, and
·         pest and disease control.

The class photo was taken at our last class. It was sad leaving after six weeks of learning, and enjoying the company  of passionate gardeners. We took home our newly created plants and all the new skills we had learnt.

For information on upcoming CIT solutions gardening courses check out this link.

CIT Solutions - Gardening and Rural

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